I just spent some time analyzing a handful of titles from previous posts using Co-schedule Headline Analyzer. Here are my results:
I Can’t Eat the Frog => B+ or 39
It’s Summer, Take Some Time Off => C- or 50
Up the Ladder and Down the Snakes => B+ or 68
Living in the Tension => C- or 64
What Should Professional Learning Look Like? => A+ or 77
Full disclosure: I like writing titles. I’ve always enjoyed thinking up some slightly clever title for papers, poems and now blog posts. When Doug Peterson shared the link to the analyzer in one of his daily blog posts, I thought it would be fun to analyze my titles. So I was a bit surprised to see that according to this tool, I’m not very good! My so-called cleverness seems to be getting in the way.
So what do I need?
- My titles need to be longer. Apparently titles with more words have more power.
- My titles need more “emotional” and “power” words. Something called emotional market value makes titles more shareable.
- My titles should follow a format that draws a reader in. Formats like questions, lists (note my title for this post), or how to posts gain more traction.
What’s your opinion? What kind of headline leads you to read an article or blog?
(N.B. The headline for this post got an A+. Score!)
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