Sue Dunlop
Let’s Have Fun!
Kids running. Kids rolling. Kids playing. Kids laughing. I love it! I believe in being active and having fun. Trust me, I don’t just cycle for hours to get the exercise. It’s great being out on the road in the fresh air, pavement whizzing by. One of my favourite times of the year is the…
I Did It!
You never what you can really do until you try. Like every old cliché, it holds a kernel of truth. When I impulsively committed to #AprilBlogaDay, I really wondered if it was possible. I worried about time and ideas. How could I do it? As a teacher and principal, I have worked with students who had…
It’s Not So Much the Advice
I’ve been using tech for a long time. Commodore 64 anyone? I remember not being able to print an essay in the 1980’s (totally dating myself!) and trying to hand the prof a 133mm floppy disk. Needless to say, he wouldn’t accept it and looked at me as if I had two heads. Over my career…
I Can’t Eat the Frog
And then I regret it. Usually profoundly. There’s a wonderful book on productivity called Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy. It’s full of humour and helpful tips to stop procrastinating. The idea is to do the things that you really don’t want to do first to get them over with and out of the way.…
So Now What?
I’ve read some wonderful posts in response to Scott MacLeod‘s brilliant #makeschooldifferent challenge. Educators have thoughtful, inspired ideas. It’s been so interesting to see what people think must change and where thoughts intersect. I urge you to go to the #makeschooldifferent hashtag on Twitter and check out some blogs. As I reflected on my #makeschooldifferent…
I heard a story today. A few years ago, three people hiking up Mount Rainier in Washington were caught in a sudden blizzard. Being experienced climbers, they dug a trench in the snow to find some shelter from the high winds and driving snow. One man lay on the ground, with his wife sandwiched between…