
  • No More War Stories

    Do you ever notice our fascination with bad news, crazy tweets or others’ misfortunes? The web is full of these kinds of stories, whether about celebrities or everyday people. It’s everywhere, and I see it in education too. We love to tell about how much marking or how many emails we have. Or about that student…

  • Teachers, Don’t Worry About It

    I like to spend time in classrooms with students.  I work with sixteen schools and try to be in each school at least once a month. And when I’m there talking with principals and vice principals, one of my favourite things to do is go into classrooms. It gives me an opportunity to meet school…

  • Giving In to the Temptation of Email

    This learning thing is hard.  In February 2014, I wrote a post about Learning From My Mistakes. One of the things I talked about was using email for communication and how tricky that can be. It was a good post, honest and true.  If only learning was as easy as writing a blog post! Like…

  • An Introvert in an Extrovert World

    I’m an introvert. There, I said it. If you know me, maybe you don’t believe it.  Let me explain. In Quiet: the Power of the Introvert in a World that Can’t Stop Talking, Susan Cain brilliantly explains the large body of research and her own personal experience around introverts and extroverts. She makes a convincing argument…

  • Co-Learning and Hierarchy: Mutually exclusive?

    Co-learning: when a group of people comes together in a spirit of inquiry to share knowledge, investigate possibilities and learn from each other. (From Edward Brantmeier article) Characteristics of Co-learning: *  All knowledge is valued *  Reciprocal value of knowledge sharers *  Care for each other as people and co-learners *  Trust *  Learning from one…

  • System Leaders with School Responsibilities

    “We need system leaders with school responsibilities.” This culture building quote comes from Dr. John Malloy, Director of Education for Hamilton-Wentworth. He said it during a meeting with superintendents, principals and vice principals. It resonates strongly with me, because I see it as a shift in thinking for so many school leaders. Big picture thinking has…