
  • 3 Reasons I Go to Edcamp

    I attended Edcamp Leadership this week: my fifth time at an Edcamp and a great day! Let me tell you why. 1) The Unconference Model:  Educators want choice and autonomy when it comes to their professional learning. They want to decide what they need to learn to meet student and staff needs better. They want to…

  • System Leaders with School Responsibilities

    “We need system leaders with school responsibilities.” This culture building quote comes from Dr. John Malloy, Director of Education for Hamilton-Wentworth. He said it during a meeting with superintendents, principals and vice principals. It resonates strongly with me, because I see it as a shift in thinking for so many school leaders. Big picture thinking has…

  • Learning from My Mistakes

    Learning from My Mistakes

    Leadership is exciting and rewarding. But it isn’t easy. A couple of months ago, I blogged about three essential leadership practices here.  The last one about shining a light on my mistakes so I could learn from them. I’ve made a few mistakes since then, and I’m learning. Here’s my list…so far! 1. Understand the…

  • Why We Need Classroom Leaders

    We spend lots of time talking about principal leadership in education. We dissect principal workload, discuss how important instructional leadership is and concur on the impact a principal has on a school. And I agree!  The principalship is a key element of every school’s success, as I discussed here. But we need much more than…

  • Three Steps to Better Leadership

    I reflect often on my leadership practices.  I want to be as transparent as possible about my values, my thinking and my growth as a leader. I am always conscious of my influence and my impact, which is often where leadership lies.  Here are three things I do to be a better leader: 1)  Listen…

  • Breaking the Silence Barrier

    We’ve all the heard the stories: the principal who arrives at 10:00 and leaves by 2:00; no one knows where she is. The superintendent who mentors the men and ignores the women. The teacher who yells at students constantly. The student who bullies other students in the washoom. What do these stories often have in…