
  • An Introvert in an Extrovert World

    I’m an introvert. There, I said it. If you know me, maybe you don’t believe it.  Let me explain. In Quiet: the Power of the Introvert in a World that Can’t Stop Talking, Susan Cain brilliantly explains the large body of research and her own personal experience around introverts and extroverts. She makes a convincing argument…

  • 58 Days, 50 Comments

    I finished my #nerdlution exactly 9 days ago. I loved doing it. It made me keep up on my blog feeds and search out new bloggers. I found some great ones that I’m following now.  Check out my Blogs I Follow page for an update. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me and sent me…

  • Learning from My Mistakes

    Learning from My Mistakes

    Leadership is exciting and rewarding. But it isn’t easy. A couple of months ago, I blogged about three essential leadership practices here.  The last one about shining a light on my mistakes so I could learn from them. I’ve made a few mistakes since then, and I’m learning. Here’s my list…so far! 1. Understand the…

  • Three Steps to Better Leadership

    I reflect often on my leadership practices.  I want to be as transparent as possible about my values, my thinking and my growth as a leader. I am always conscious of my influence and my impact, which is often where leadership lies.  Here are three things I do to be a better leader: 1)  Listen…

  • Breaking the Silence Barrier

    We’ve all the heard the stories: the principal who arrives at 10:00 and leaves by 2:00; no one knows where she is. The superintendent who mentors the men and ignores the women. The teacher who yells at students constantly. The student who bullies other students in the washoom. What do these stories often have in…

  • Will the Real Impostor Please Stand Up?

    Do you ever hear a little voice in your head that says, “I have no idea how I got to be where I am, but I just hope that nobody finds me out!”? I’ve just finished a close read of Intentional Interruption by Steven Katz and Lisa Ain Dack. I highly recommend this excellent book on…