social media

  • Meditation on Selfies

    I’ve never been good at selfies. I get the angle wrong, you can’t see the background, the final photo is often one of me looking startled, and well, not my best. And these days, as I get older, I’m rarely satisfied with pictures of myself. I’m fine with the aging thing (well, mostly – rather…

  • Andrew Kelly – #HWDSBaccelerate

    I first met Andrew Kelly as a classroom teacher. His curiosity, questioning and deep thinking stood out then and are even more evident now. Andrew embraces learning and always welcomes others’ viewpoints as he seeks to understand. Andrew’s blog Stop Start Continue showcases his thinking and provides entry points for any educator and parent. He talks below…

  • Social Media and Me

    I’m a bit of a nerd. I like Star Trek (yes, even Deep Space Nine), I read The Lord of the Rings once a year or so, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of my all time favourite TV shows. Social media appeals to me on the same level somehow. It can really cool…

  • Don’t Tweet During My Keynote

    Today was a first for me: a keynote speaker from Apple asked that no one in the audience transmit or record any parts of his keynote. That is, no blogging or tweeting. I was taken aback. What?! I wonder what could be the purpose of this request. Is it a copyright issue? Is he worried…