
  • How I Organize My Life

    August brings a new year for my bullet journal. I buy a gorgeous new Leuchtturm 1917 dotted notebook and begin planning and organizing using this “analog system for the digital age”. I’ve gone through lots of different systems over the years. Once upon a time it was a Daytimer. I loved my little binder with…

  • How to Unlock Your Creativity

    Kevin Ashton says creativity isn’t magic. His book, How to Fly a Horse: The Secret History of Creation, Invention and Discovery explores many examples and shows that humans don’t wait for some kind of divine inspiration and then mystically start creating. The idea comes first, but it’s only a seed. Tenacious hard work through a series of…

  • It’s Summer – Take Some Time Off

    Everyone needs vacation. There is no substitute for forcing your mind and body away from work, even if just for a week. (For the record, I believe people need way more than that.) Some folks say they just can’t. I don’t get that. There was a recent exchange on Twitter about the following blog post,…

  • Passion Lives Here!

    I often read or hear that our educational system is “broken”.  Business writers, educational bloggers, government functionaries, students and even teachers and principals seem to hold this view. It’s a view that’s seductive when I encounter something in my job that doesn’t work right, or when I hear a story about a student whose school…