(3 minutes reading time)
A few months ago, a group of raptors or scavengers were wheeling high above the backyards in my neighbourhood. They stayed there for a long time, drifting on updrafts of air, sometimes dipping lower. Those birds drew my eye and lifted my spirit. I imagined myself in flight with the wind both rushing by and holding me up. My wings stretched; the muscles and tendons extended and contracted.
My thoughts went to that metaphysical and meditative book by Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding. Find out what you already know and you will see the way to fly.”
Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull
If I use my inner eye and understanding rather than rely on what I think I see, I will know how to experience freedom in anything.
I often choose a one word theme for the year. It’s fun, sometimes whimsical, sometimes inspiring, and sometimes entirely practical. This year, I want a word, or rather, an idea, that might set me free.
Last year, “Build” was very pragmatic, growth oriented and solid. It was what I needed. I’m a person who is happy when I have a purpose and healthy routines. I like to accomplish what I set out for myself and to get things done. I’m a finisher, rather than an opener.
Yet, despite all that focus and success, I want do much better in one very important-to-me area. It’s writing.
I’ve talked quite boldly about writing – it was one of my one word goals a few years ago! I’ve read some great books on writing and would highly recommend Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird and Stephen King’s On Writing. I am a writer.
I’ve written pages and pages of letters, reports, appendices, recommendations, memos, handbooks, papers, theses, projects, emails, news releases, and blog posts. But it’s all technical writing, which may be exactly why I can’t make writing stick as a regular habit and as a part of who I am. It’s too practical, and rational and efficient.
I know I’ll be happier if I consistently write. Further, I know I’ll be happier if I write fiction.
The one thing you must do to write fiction is to write often, if not daily. I have the time, but with some honest reflection, I’ve realized that I don’t know how to get started – what am I going to write about? Where’s it all going? Then one of my brilliant (and funny, and talented) nieces suggested a book of writing prompts. It’s just what I need to start for 15 minutes a day. That’s enough for now to be going on – let’s see what happens.

In 2025, I want my feet to leave the ground when it comes to writing and creativity. The rational, efficient me can let go just a little and find freedom.
To soar.
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