Mindfulness in June

The last month of school, whether May, June or December, depending where you live in the world, is super exciting! There are many great activities, excursions, and of course, farewell assemblies or graduations. In many ways it is one of my favourite times. I love attending graduations and witnessing the success and pride of our students as they celebrate.

But the last month of school can also be super stressful.  The stack of tasks to complete is overwhelming since everything needs to be done by the end of the month before vacation begins. Students can become anxious knowing that school will not be in session for a couple of months. There are endings for many that engender feelings of sadness.

All this doesn’t even include the elements of uncertainty that may be in play, like the current situation in Ontario with labour negotiations.  And sleep and exercise can go by the wayside.

For me, this time of year can lead to less mindfulness than I like.  When you’re tired and with a massive to do list, it can be easy to react quickly or even become irritated or annoyed. My communication with others is so important and can sometimes be misinterpreted, so mindfulness is essential. I want to be mindful, always. I want to take the time to think, to react and to respond. I remind myself each morning that my behaviour matters and can have a huge impact on my relationships and trust. And without these two things, I cannot do my job effectively.

How am I mindful? Reflect. Inhale. Think. Exhale. Vow to do better. Ask for support. Breathe.



7 Responses to “Mindfulness in June”

  1. What a wonderful and timely topic, Sue! David Fife’s post yesterday made me think a lot of mindfulness as well. At this time of the year, I’m constantly thinking about Stuart Shanker’s words of advice in his book CALM, ALERT, AND LEARNING. While the book looks at how to develop self-regulation skills in children, I think that many of the ideas work well for adults too. Have you read it?

    I find myself taking more deep breaths, enjoying some quiet time, reminding myself regularly to keep my voice low and calm (and to think before speaking), and knowing when to ask for another time to talk (so that I can really give people the attention that they deserve). I hope that you enjoy the rest of this wonderful month!


    1. Shanker’s book is on my reading list. From all I hear, it’s a must read. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Mindfulness is key to living in the now. “Stop” the story in our heads, “Drop” into the breath, and come into the present moment. It is only in this present moment where great things happen. We are inspired to do great things only in the present moment. Thanks for this post Sue. We need more mindfulness in this world.

    1. Lisa, thank you for taking the time to comment! I so agree with stop, drop and be. The trick is remembering. But when I do the results are priceless.

  3. David Resijan Avatar
    David Resijan

    Hi Sue,
    June is super exciting at school and it can be a very stressful month for many reasons. For me, there are a few ‘must do’s’ that help me have a great finish to another school year. They are: have a positive attitude, stay organized, help my colleagues, be more intentional in teaching and focus more on what students still need to learn before they move on to the next grade level and increase my daily outdoor physical activity time e.g. play more tennis, run and bike more etc. Good habits and persistence in June is key for me. Have an amazing June, Sue.

    1. Dave, I also love June because we can get outside. When it’s light at 5:45, you just have to get up early and go for a run!

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