Moments of Humanity

I heard Veronica Lacey speak when I was a new teacher. At the time, she was Director of Education in North York and went on to become a very influential voice in Canadian education. That conference was a long time ago, but I remember her words so well:   “It’s always about relationships.”

IMG_0290I was not particularly wise as a twenty something young woman. I didn’t really understand the importance of relationships and how they influence and determine the direction and content of so much of your life. In the classroom I enjoyed the students I taught, but I didn’t think too much about my lasting impact on them through all the everyday interactions we had.

Now I know better.

Maya Angelou said it so well:

“I have learned that people will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” 

It’s so powerful! No matter how much time we spend preparing, emailing, reading, writing, or thinking, it will have no positive lasting difference if we can’t establish caring relationships with those around us. I have come to understand the importance of those moments of humanity when we connect with another person, whether student, colleague or friend. This has been my challenge throughout my career. I come from a background where emotions are to be hidden and judgment is everywhere.  I’ve made progress, but still have some way to go. I find that smiling, laughter and trying to pay attention to the little things are the best ways for me to show my humanity and caring. I’m going to keep seeking out those moments.


“No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”  Theodore Roosevelt

(Day 4 of #Aprilblogaday)


3 Responses to “Moments of Humanity”

  1. Sue, I totally love your openness here. When I started teaching 14 years ago, I don’t think that I realized how powerful these relationships are. I realize this a lot more now. I’m definitely someone that finds it easier to connect with my students than with colleagues. I’m trying to embrace that “uncomfortable” feeling this year, and get downstairs to the staffroom more, participate in more discussions with staff, and try to make these connections. It’s not always easy, and I’m not always good at it. But thank you for reminding me, and others, that it’s worth it!


  2. Sue,
    “It’s about relationships.” Yes, even as a 20-something who didn’t realize it was true, you still remembered it. Now your rich relationships with students are coming through, in spite of your background. Blessings as you continue to grow in what matters!


    1. Thanks, Denise. I truly appreciate you taking the time to comment. Everyone’s life is a work in progress. I just want to know that I did my best.

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