
  • How Much Can You Care?

    Education is a caring profession. Educators I know chose it because they care about others, and especially about kids. If we only go into teaching because we are fascinated by the subject, then burn out happens. It’s great to be inspired by the content of what you’re teaching; we also have to be inspired by…

  • One Thing Everyone Needs

    “Thank you!” “I value your participation.” “What an interesting idea – let’s follow up on that.” “What do you think?” We all want to be noticed, valued and to belong. A big fanfare is not always needed, but those moments of quiet recognition that say, “I see you, and you are valued” are powerful. When…

  • How Do You Want Families to Feel on the First Day of School?

    With thanks to Pernille Ripp for title inspiration. My nieces and and nephew just started at new schools in Washington, D.C. after a move across the country. They were excited and nervous, as you would expect. And so were my brother and sister-in-law. They didn’t know exactly what to expect either and wanted their kids…

  • Phone vs. Email – You Know Which One Is Better, Right?

    My work world revolves around email. I wish it wasn’t that way. Email is a time sucker. Email is never ending. And worst of all, email is void of tone or context. So the people who read your emails have to guess what tone you might be going for. There are some solutions to this: you…

  • Up the Ladders and Down the Snakes

    My siblings and I loved Snakes and Ladders. Zooming up and down the board was fun. You would land on the ladder and advance, only to find the snake, groan, and slide back down. It’s a simple game with parallels to life and learning. I thought about this game at a recent training session for Adaptive…

  • Mindfulness in June

    The last month of school, whether May, June or December, depending where you live in the world, is super exciting! There are many great activities, excursions, and of course, farewell assemblies or graduations. In many ways it is one of my favourite times. I love attending graduations and witnessing the success and pride of our…