
  • Meditation on 2025

    Meditation on 2025

    (3 minutes reading time) A few months ago, a group of raptors or scavengers were wheeling high above the backyards in my neighbourhood. They stayed there for a long time, drifting on updrafts of air, sometimes dipping lower. Those birds drew my eye and lifted my spirit. I imagined myself in flight with the wind…

  • My “20 for 2020” List

    Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project and many other books, has initiated a fun way to think about things you might want to accomplish in a year. She and her sister, Elizabeth Craft, who co-hosts the Happier podcast with her, started back in 2018 with an annual list. Part to do list and part…

  • #oneword 2020 WRITE

    #oneword 2020 WRITE

    Choosing one word for the year begins with a promise. It’s a way to tell myself where to focus, how to spend my time, and what to accomplish. Using one word distills the essence of my wants and wishes. I’m looking towards my next chapter. In a few years, I’ll be leaving my current job…

  • I Did It!

    You never what you can really do until you try. Like every old cliché, it holds a kernel of truth. When I impulsively committed to #AprilBlogaDay, I really wondered if it was possible. I worried about time and ideas. How could I do it? As a teacher and principal, I have worked with students who had…