Chris Crouch wants to save the world. I think that’s admirable. My goals are a little smaller. When I think about what’s left for me to do, it’s really about influence. What can I influence? How can I influence? Who can I influence?
I participated in #satchat on Twitter this morning (7:30 EST)and was part of an exchange about leadership titles and influence. This tweet by David Culberhouse was especially thought provoking.
@the_explicator @zecool @murphysmusings5 @jonhusband A leader is not a title, it is influence. Very different things. #satchat
— David Culberhouse (@DCulberhouse) April 11, 2015
And this one followed:
@the_explicator @zecool @murphysmusings5 @jonhusband People give in to title, but are drawn to influence. Influence wins in the end #satchat
— David Culberhouse (@DCulberhouse) April 11, 2015
The weakest leaders are those who rely on title. Of course we can force compliance, to a point. But compliance does not result in real change.
I influence by building trust. People trust you when you show a combination of character and competence (thank you, Steven Covey). We demonstrate character by acting in trustworthy ways: being honest, keeping confidences, and treating others with care and respect. I have to strive daily to do this. Sometimes I fail. Competence is proficiency at your job. Following through on commitments and obligations and calling people back on time are examples of competence. I can be trustworthy in character, but if I can’t do my job, people will not trust me.
These ideas come into play even more in my current role as school superintendent. It’s a truism that the farther you are away from the work (e.g., in schools with students) the less power you have. It is more about influence.
How do I do this? I influence by showing my vulnerability and growth in learning sessions. I influence by apologizing when I do wrong and committing to do better. I influence by asking carefully considered questions about others’ learning and growth.
It’s a tall order. But that’s what’s left to do.
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