
  • Meditation on 2025

    Meditation on 2025

    (3 minutes reading time) A few months ago, a group of raptors or scavengers were wheeling high above the backyards in my neighbourhood. They stayed there for a long time, drifting on updrafts of air, sometimes dipping lower. Those birds drew my eye and lifted my spirit. I imagined myself in flight with the wind…

  • My “20 for 2020” List

    Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project and many other books, has initiated a fun way to think about things you might want to accomplish in a year. She and her sister, Elizabeth Craft, who co-hosts the Happier podcast with her, started back in 2018 with an annual list. Part to do list and part…

  • GRACE – #Oneword for 2017

    GRACE – #Oneword for 2017

    I’m ready to start the new year. In 2016, I chose essential as my one word. It proved to be the perfect choice as I reflected throughout the year about how to pare down what I spend my time on to that which I consider most important. I also successfully experimented with various ways to use…

  • ESSENTIAL – #ONEWORD for 2016

    My #oneword post for 2016 is here, just before the end of January, which I’m rationalizing as being better late than never. My 2015 #oneword was change, and it seemed to influence what actually happened in my professional life.  I experienced many changes including new colleagues on our senior team and new trustees to work…

  • It’s Simple, But Not Always Easy

    You know that satisfying feeling of accomplishment when you reach a goal? It’s the result of commitment, time and hard work. It’s easy to set goals both professionally and personally, but not always easy to meet them. So how do we do it? I like to keep fit by running, swimming and biking, and often…

  • Two for Two Thousand Fourteen

    Two resolutions: both are worthy of time and effort. They can make a difference to my personal and work life, provide balance and help me build relationships. 1. Listen more than I talk. I wrote a post about this earlier this year. In my current role as superintendent, this has become even more important. 2. Read…